WRR 101 Focus on the Arts: This is your Brain on Music

“If you want to improve your body, you go to a gym. If you want to improve your brain… go to museums and look at art, go to concerts, listen to music,” says Bonnie Pitman, Director of Art – Brain Innovations at the University of Texas at Dallas’ Center for Brain Health. Knowing what an impact music has on our brain health is a big reason why Bonnie is so passionate about both subjects, and why she wants everyone to know about Brain Health Week, running February 20th – 24th. (Bonus: the Family Fun Fair at UTD on Feb. 20th includes a sneak peek at KERA’s new mindfulness podcast for parents and children!) She chatted with WRR’s Amy Bishop about what to expect during the week, and why Vivaldi’s music is nourishment to her own brain.