Girl Power — November 6, 2016 with special guest Baya Kakouberi

Girl Power™ on Sunday at 6:00 p.m. is all about North Texas and Georgia (the country, not the state!) because my guest is North Texas celebrity pianist, Baya Kakouberi. We’ll explore Baya’s journey from her native country to Texas and talk to her about teaching and being a mom. You’ll also find out about her music series that celebrates 15 years this year – one of the best kept musical experience “secrets” in the Metroplex, herBlue Candlelight Music Series. In addition you will hear her perform Ludwig van Beethoven (Kreutzer, anyone?) and Victor Herbert with her husband, violinist Gary Levinson. I just love celebrating the talented women who live right here in our area, so join me for the fun and beautiful music!